Friday, February 19, 2016

The state of government today is, in many ways, truly disgusting.  There is constant squabbling and a general disrespect of elected officials across party lines.  It seems that most representatives forget that their peers were also elected to their own positions and are speaking for the individuals they were elected to represent.

The very public argument in the aftermath of Justice Scalia's death for or against the nomination and confirmation of a new Supreme Court justice frames this lack of respect of past elections in black and white.  There is a general idea being thrown around by Senate Republicans that a new justice should not be confirmed until after the 2016 election cycle.  Some even go so far as to say that President Obama should not bother to nominate a potential candidate.  It seems as if national politics has become a game to be won by one party or the other, no longer a government to work for the people who elected the officials currently in power.

This intentional stagnation of progress is a laughable disgrace and the elected officials involved ought to be ashamed.