Friday, March 11, 2016

In a recent post, titled Two Corrupt Establishments, Robert Parry makes a very well presented case for why a large portion of the American public seems to be leaning towards Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump instead of hopefuls with more traditional political standings and approaches and how this threat of an upset is scaring the establishment.  By the time Robert Parry closes with "Washington's twin corrupt establishments have been dealt an unexpected and potentially lasting punch" it sounds as if we may be in for an arguably overdue Burnham-esque critical realignment.

Putting aside the observations that Parry makes, the blog this post can be found on seems to have an interesting background calling in to question it's legitimacy as a credible source.  The Smirking Chimp may have a few skeletons in its own closet.  The founder, Jeff Tiedrich, describes himself as a "Celebrity Death Haikuist" and quips on his Twitter that he "think[s] everyone is entitled to his own opinion."  While he may believe himself to be a bit of a comedic eccentric, others don't view him that way.  One fellow blogger rails against Tiedrich in a blog post titled "Smirking Chimp: The World's Worst Blog?Dangerous Creation's Dennis M.  writes that Tiedrich has gone so far as to comment on his work "With all due respect, fuck you. Nobody here needs or wants your validation." when Dennis M. contributed content to The Smirking Chimp under the pseudonym Socrates.  Robert Parry, a well published winner of a George Polk Journalism Award, is poorly represented by the brash actions of Tiedrich as a host.  Furthermore, we can even call in to question the legitimacy of Two Corrupt Establishments being on The Smirking Chimp as well as on Parry's own website with the modifier "Exclusive" though it could be argued that this term is frequently misused journalistically.

The critical realignment we may be experiencing is in part spurred on by a general distrust of our news sources and the off-the-mark bullshit they feed the masses.  It is sad that even this article by Robert Parry about this very thing falls prey to the scrutiny of its host that is now required to be a responsible and informed news and opinions consumer.

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